There were bunch of glasshoppers!!! This one looked like the same as #4 hook size.
I liked the big fly basically, so I decided to use #4 huge hopper without hesitating.
At the first hole, I got some strike to it. But I hooked all of them off, Jesus!! One of them was surely good size! I think one of causes was because of rapid stream.
At the second hole which was new hole for me, I could catch a good one(15inches/39cm) by it. It fought strong because of its width.
When I moved to the shallow to take a picture of it, I heard the rattle sound suddenly. Yes, it was surely rattle snake! It was first time to see for me.
Even if it was small one , it would like to feed the big fly .
After small one, I could catch the big boy at the exactly same hole.
He was 19inches/48.5cm, and the most largest and beautiful rainbow I've ever seen!!
I'm pretty sure that it could be one of my best fishes.
Please forgive me to attach many photos of him here, you know I was wild beside myself with joy!
I took a photo of myself also.