Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Her first tying

Eventually Lance was back to tying last night after about three months intervals, because he was quite behind his preparation for this weekend's salmon fishing.

And this early morning, when he was tying flies for salmon fishing, she said that she wanna try it also.

This is her first work. Most special feature is that she mainly used her own materials which she gathered outside like a park. That is great, sweetie!

Since she liked eye shaped silver weight, I helped her to attach it on her second work. Looks much nicer! You should try it by yourself at fishing pond.

Doing something together is good thing for us both, I think.

We had happy morning tying time today.


Tommy said...

先を越されちゃいました。しかも"her own materials"、ハイレベルです。。。

african said...
