Because of too high water level, we gave up fishing at KANOGAWA mainstream. And went for some tributary rivers.
Around noon we could see the baetis's hatch though, M-river kept silence.
Likely my river selection was wrong...
This is my first shot of the osprey, MISAGO!
It is often seen around the Yellowstone National Park in US, but not so common one in Japan. It was nice to see it there for me.
Moved to Z-river for something.
Tommy got his first trout in Japan!
We got countless fishes there though, all of them were babies...
Moved to O-river for the evening.
I saw several rises there, and got some strikes, but couldn't set a hook well.

And also enjoyed the fishing with Tommy after so long interval from our last trip. Let's have another trip soon.
Hey, Lance!
You had good time on your first fishing tip.
I went Kanogawa mainstream around Amagi on Saturaday, too.
But.....I got "stinker"!!
It was windy and the river condition was quite difficult (my excuse)!
I should have moved to tributary rivers like you.
Let me try again.
New season has just started.
Hi, Mr.Gold!
I was surprised to hear that you were there too on that day.
I felt that the lure fishing might be only effective method under the high water level.
Let's go fishing together with the lure tackle soon.
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