Monday, September 22, 2008

Still like summer ;12th trip to OSHINO

Today It had been raining until around 3 o'clock. Weather forecast said that it would be stopped around noon...

During rainy afternoon, huge terrestrial fly still worked even early autumn now.

One of today's topics was that I could see some big fish more often than usual. I aimed one of them and tried any pattern which I hit on, but couldn't attract him...

I saw this FUTASUJI's dun so often. Today's hit fly was its crippled dun again. I thought I would like to try tying another pattern of it.

There were a few rises in a day time.

This is first bow's stomach sample. Nymphs were dominant.

I found this ONASHI stonefly's adult when I was releasing the first fish. His wing was not complete as this pic, a kind of unusual.

This one was caught at new hole to me.
In the evening, the number of rise itself was increased because of KUSHIGE mayfly's hatch. But I ignored it and kept using FUTASUJI's fly mainly.

Late evening, several HIGENAGA were shown. So I changed the fly to HIGENAGA's one. Though I got several strikes, couldn't catch them...

It might be a kind of stressful result today. There was only one more week to close. I wish I would have a chance to be there one more time...

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