Friday, May 06, 2011

Try & Error

My today's strategy was "To find new hole of KANOGAWA branch and to enjoy the evening of main stream". Especially I was expecting MONKAGE's hatch and rise for it around the main stream.
H-river was new branch stream for me.
Location was so nice with beautiful young green color!

MONKAGE was often seen there.

HIRATA's spinner was also seen(NAMIHIRATA?).

Baby AMAGO trout. Likely it was born by reproducing.
Try the new hole of O-river branch.

Countless OIKAWA attacked my dry fly.

Except MONKAGE, large stonefly was seen often there.

Said good bye to O-river and headed Z-river's new hole.

Countless hatchery small rainbow trout attacked my fly there.
Too many escapees, not good thing...

Moved to the main stream. There were several rises,
but it didn't seem to be AMAGO's... 

MONKAGE's hatch was poor at the mainstream this evening.
It was a kind of miscalculation, but I found many new findings today.

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