Sunday, April 08, 2007

Four B-Runs, All Native

In the last trip, I leaned the followings;

1. Landing Net was necessary for the B-Run Steelie
2. Chest bag was obstacke for double handed rod casting
3. Sink Tip line which I bought was too heavy for that river
4. Swing method was not good now because of low temprature
5. It was painstaking job to catch the B-Run by #8 single handed rod

My solution for each was;

  1. I bought cheap but large net
  2. I also bought new fishing vest ( a little expensive... Forgive me, honey!)
  3. I also bought the floating line(spey line)
  4. the same as 3.
  5. Use the double handed-rod more frequently not for swinging but for nymphing
When I arrived the South Fork of Clearwater in the morning, I could see several steelies in the shallow. Although I paid attension not to threaten them, it seemed that I did.

I also tried swinging because I felt the water temp was not so cold. But nothing in the mornig.

I got sure strike wih double handed one with nymph around one o'clock afternoon, and felt strong tug. But my knot to the fly got loose, and I missed it. Gosh!

I used #8 single handed one just for change, then there was Steel's take after three o'clock. Though I took a great pain because of her so strong tug, I landed well with the new net by myself!

She was so healthy and beauty one(36inches/92cm), and was native one also. Can you see her unclipped adipose fin?

She bit my nymph surely, it is the same one as before.

I got the second one with double handed system just after I released the first one. It was first steelie with my #9/#10 double handed one. I felt It worked much better than #8 single rod for B-Run Steelie.

Although she was 32inches/82cm length, it looked like small just after I saw the first one. She was also native one, and fly was big egg pattern.

The 3rd one was caught just around 17:30.

She was 34inches/86cm, and the native again. The fly was same nymph as first one.

This unclipped adipose fin was the proof of the native not the hatchary one.

The last one bit the eggleech pattern. I couldn't measure her exactly because she escaped from me, but it looked like over 31inches/80cm at least. And she was native too.

What a great day was today! I cought four native B-run Steelie in a day!! I thought I've alomst done all what I wanted to do in spring steelhead fishing.

Maybe it is time to come back to trout fishing.


yokoyam3 said...


african said...

先週の川の様子をみて、流量と遡上数が共にBestに感じたので、今回ばかりは二週続けて行かせていただきました(笑)。前回、今回と魚影は濃く、浅場を背びれを出してバシャバシャ上ってくる様子が何度も見られたり、メータ級が目の前で何回もHead and TailのRise(捕食ではありませんが)をしたりと、大興奮状態での釣りでした。ちょっと疲れて休んでいても、また下流から新しい魚が入ってくるのがわかり、ところどころ休憩しながらも、10時間以上投げ続けた気がします。

でも今回の全てにおいて、心底満足できたので、Spring Steelに関してはもう完全に納竿です。前回はネットを持っていなくて、あの96cmは近くのFishermanの方に、ネットですくってもらったのでした。なので、今回のテーマのは自力でLandingするだったのですが、4匹とも早めに勝負して、独力でネットに収めることができたので良かったです。最初に岸に寄ってきた時を逃すと、えらいことになるので…。
