Saturday, November 11, 2006

Boise Steelhead part1; first fish for my swinging wet fly

As you know, STEELHEAD can't reach the Boise River because of the dam in the downstream. So IDAHO FISH & GAME carry them from Hells Canyon to the Boise River close to the downtown by their truck.

The first stock was Nov. 9th, and I tried it after two days.

I chose the P.C hole , and my thema in this fall is to catch the STEEL by the wet fly swimming without indicator.

I felt some short bite to my wet fly, but I couldn't hook them.

Finally I felt certain bite, and hooked it up.

Although it was white fish(14inch/36cm), it was first fish for my wet fly experience.

But it was too weak tug for my new #8 weight tackle...

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