Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Boise Steelhead part2; Woollybugger

I knew the new hole 'G.W.' for me, so it was the closest hole from my office and home. Actually it takes about 15min from my home, and 5min from my office.

Which means I can fish 3times in a day, 1st in the morning until about 9 o'clock, 2nd in the lunch time, and 3rd after 5 o'clock!!

That should be great place for me.

I felt some short bit to my wet fly and streamer, but I couldn't hook them...

The only fish I caught today was resident rainbow. I think it was my first fish by woolly bugger.

Although I couldn' catch any STEEL by any swinging flies, I think I 'm getting better user for them than before.

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