'Queen of the Dry Fly', the author of Fly fisher's Guide to IDAHO called this river so. It is famous for native Yellowstone Cutthroat.
We had a chance to go there as one of our camping destinations. It is likely also famous place to see the Moose. We've never seen it.
The Falls Campground was picked by us. It located 43miles east from Idaho Falls, took about 5 hours from Boise. We arrived there about 5 o'clock.
That campground was surrounded by tall cottonwoods.
There were some whirling cotton.
That time I cooked Japanese Curry with my dutch oven after long interval for our supper.
We liked it very much.
A chipmunk moved around our site.
After supper it was fishing research time for me. Through the bush trail, we reached the river.
It looked good hole for me, and I saw one small rise.
There was no major hatch, so I tried several fly pattern. Although
I thought it was not so difficult to catch some, I got no strike. I tried to add the dropper #14 BH Pheasant Tail nymph.
Then I got it. I really enjoyed his strong tug, and its beauty.
Yellowstone Cutthroat ; 16inches/40cm
They picked pretty flowers up there.
After that reserch, I made a fire for our night.
A glass of wine made us happy also with campfire.
She also enjoyed her favorite baked marshmallow.
すいません、詳しい種類の違い、私もわかっていません。Snake River Cutthroatっていう種類があるんですか?この川はYellowstone種で有名らしいので、てっきりそう信じ込んでいました。
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